Arrived Friday to a somewhat familiar house though you could see the ground all around. You can see houses from the street. So different from last years February when 26 feet of snow came down. The Alex’s rode the train up and we met them at a craft brewery across the street from the train station. Gary Ryan and Sarah met up there as well. We celebrated later at the house with margaritas, a taco bar and eventually liars dice.

Saturday was in the high 50’s The kids went skiing/boarding at Alpine and the Mrs. and I managed an 8 mile hike along the Truckee River in a T-shirt. Lunch was at the new Tap Haus in Tahoe City where a little brew fest was happening in the parking lot. Chicken Cacciatore for diner after some margaritas in the hot tub and some Irish coffee after that. A minor cribbage battle erupted and later ‘salad bowl’ and eventually liars dice to end the evening. Apparently no lift lines at Alpine but the snow was heavy.

Today we all got up and out by around 8 and off to Squaw with a new foot of snow on the ground and more coming from the sky. We never caught up with the kids but had fun on Shirley and Solitude until the crowds got too thick and the lift lines too long for our taste. It took an hour and fifteen minutes to get to Squaw as everyone wanted to see this thing called fresh powder. Tonight Katie and I are out to dinner at Pianeta with the Rahn’s from my work and the kids are braving the highway back to the city for work tomorrow. Cheers!