Katie and I have put together this website to share some of our travels and pictures. I want to just let you know where things are on this site so here goes.
K&B Blog
Pictures from our Lives
Links to Things We Like
This is where we post our daily, weekly, and monthly activities. The posts are placed with the most recent first on the page. Posts are also placed into categories such as Skiing, Puerto Vallarta, etc. You can look at ‘Categories’ which is to the right of the screen. The most recent posts can be found on the right side of the page as well under ‘Recent Posts’. You can comment on a post that you see. You can also enter your email address so if there are new posts you will receive a notification by email.
Our posts may include some photos but the ‘Pictures from Our Lives’ actually has galleries of photos or videos from a given time or place. Again you can leave a comment on the pictures and sign up to be notified by email if new pictures are posted
On this page we are including links to sites outside of ours that we have found interesting or useful. Your mileage will vary!
The website tracks all changes and allows you to jump to daily and monthly posts or posts by author. The calendar at the bottom of each page also allows you to jump to different days of interest